Sunday, April 11, 2010

Angel Calling Card # 9

I'm a little concerned regarding my husband's job right now. And we are having a few financial issues. Anything you can tell me?

It is a time of change and change is often met with rebuttal. This is a reward for all the work effort you've done thus far. It's been a long and arduous journey at times, but you have always had the means to get through. You still have that means within you and available.

Coming up is a time of celebration. Although you may be feeling strapped, know that it is not fixed. You will get through this and discover rewards you never dreamed of happening. You are on the tip of a time of peace and prosperity. There could be an upcoming marriage or the buying of some land or a new home. As you enjoy this time of relaxation that you so deserve, know nothing remains stagnant and the winds of change are always at your door.

Open that door with an open heart. Allow whatever flows into your heart the means to express itself. When ideas come to you, follow them through and you'll discover it takes you to places that help you to heal and attract new opportunities. Other loved ones will have a significant part in helping you affirm new beginnings. Don't allow the fears to take you to darker places. It truly is a time of celebration. Know that you are being guided by the angels and your guides. They are ever at your side to your beck and call. Listen to their whispers as they're guiding you to new adventures. Be excited. You will be rewarded.

May you be blessed,

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