Saturday, April 10, 2010

Angel Calling Card # 8

The past two weeks I've woken up with a sore jaw & the muscles in my cheeks extremely tense, which makes me think that I'm grinding my teeth or clenching my jaw at night. I'm not stressed at work and everything in my personal life is smooth sailing. Can the angels shed some light as to why I would be grinding my teeth as I only associate that with stress.


Your desire to seek solitude is appropriate at this time. You're being counseled by your Higher Self to retreat, and to renew your soul through quiet contemplation. Your nervous system has been overstimulated, and you can't absorb any more input from the outer world. Step away and give yourself the necessary peace and time alone you require to revitalize your system. In doing so, you'll begin to sense, feel and even hear the voice of your Higher Self, but only when you step into more natural surroundings.

Reconnect with nature in whatever way is practical given your circumstances. Fully open your heart to your Higher Self, even if you fear that you can't make contact. You ARE making contact. Furthermore, your Higher Self asks you to take your time when contemplating your circumstances and considering your options. Resist the temptation to yield to any sense of urgency. There's no emergency. Your true direction will make itself known if you're patient. Your Higher Self alerts you to the fact that not all the necessary pieces of information to make the best decisions may be apparent yet. Your Higher Self wisely counsels that sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is do nothing. The message: 'Be quiet and wait.'

The grinding of your teeth has more to do with what you have just come out of and the stress you endured and also with choices that are coming up for you in other areas. This is your body's way of keeping you alert to these changes. Take some quiet time to soothe your body so that it doesn't need to express itself during your sleep time. Then all will settle down for you again.

Love & Blessings,

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