Hi Dallas, just curious to know if I ever will get to Kansas City, Missouri to get this Tarlov Cyst removed from my spine.
Janice, what I immediately 'got' when I read your question was that the answer was up to you. Here is what the aid of The Psychic Tarot oracle cards by John Holland says to you.
This card reveals that it's actually your own fear that has you immobilized and trapped - preventing you from making decisions or choices. You are the one who's holding yourself prisoner, or hostage; and in order to continue your journey, you must first face your fears so that new people and conditions can manifest. Many individuals choose to stay in this place because they can't see the road ahead, they feel a misguided sense of safety there, or they're afraid of starting something new. But staying will only add to your levels of stress and anxiety and create adverse effects in your physical body.
Seek out wise counsel for assistance. You don't have to do this alone, but know that you possess all of the tools that you need to free yourself - you're forgetting how strong you really are! This period will end when you use your mind to cut through the limitations caused by your emotions.
Ask the angels to come to your aid and help you to face your fears and those things that are binding you. Once you have released these fears and limitations, life will move forward for you again.
Love * Blessings, Janice,
Here's a question for the angels.
Do you see any travels or adventures coming up for me? I don't even know exactly why I am asking this question, it's just what came out!
That's cute, your question. Would you mind giving me a first name so that I have a name to use when I connect to the angels? Right now it just says 'Anonymous'. Thanks!
Dallas <3
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