Monday, April 19, 2010

Angel Calling Card # 11

Yours in particular came to mind because I'd remembered that you'd asked about where you should be living?

What came to me next was a psychic impression and thoughts that you need to be living beside the water. As long as you can get to a body of water from where you are living, you'll move through life easier. The water helps to not only revitalize you, but it's similar to how you need the air to breathe. You need the water to breathe 'rightfully' too.

When you live anywhere that doesn't have water surrounding you, you will notice how it drains you. Your energy will feel depleted and you will feel like you are needing refueling, although nothing seems to help. When you are close to bodies of water, you feel an uplifting of your energy which is also an uplifting of your mood, attitude and thus you will manifest what you desire more completely. Right now you seem to feel like you're in the shadows and if you bring yourself to the water, you will come into the Light.

Hope that helps you! (((Hugs))) Thanks for the nudging of doing these again too. I needed the nudge! *~;)

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Angel Calling Card # 10

Hi Dallas, just curious to know if I ever will get to Kansas City, Missouri to get this Tarlov Cyst removed from my spine.


Janice, what I immediately 'got' when I read your question was that the answer was up to you. Here is what the aid of The Psychic Tarot oracle cards by John Holland says to you.

This card reveals that it's actually your own fear that has you immobilized and trapped - preventing you from making decisions or choices. You are the one who's holding yourself prisoner, or hostage; and in order to continue your journey, you must first face your fears so that new people and conditions can manifest. Many individuals choose to stay in this place because they can't see the road ahead, they feel a misguided sense of safety there, or they're afraid of starting something new. But staying will only add to your levels of stress and anxiety and create adverse effects in your physical body.

Seek out wise counsel for assistance. You don't have to do this alone, but know that you possess all of the tools that you need to free yourself - you're forgetting how strong you really are! This period will end when you use your mind to cut through the limitations caused by your emotions.

Ask the angels to come to your aid and help you to face your fears and those things that are binding you. Once you have released these fears and limitations, life will move forward for you again.

Love * Blessings, Janice,

Angel Calling Card # 9

I'm a little concerned regarding my husband's job right now. And we are having a few financial issues. Anything you can tell me?

It is a time of change and change is often met with rebuttal. This is a reward for all the work effort you've done thus far. It's been a long and arduous journey at times, but you have always had the means to get through. You still have that means within you and available.

Coming up is a time of celebration. Although you may be feeling strapped, know that it is not fixed. You will get through this and discover rewards you never dreamed of happening. You are on the tip of a time of peace and prosperity. There could be an upcoming marriage or the buying of some land or a new home. As you enjoy this time of relaxation that you so deserve, know nothing remains stagnant and the winds of change are always at your door.

Open that door with an open heart. Allow whatever flows into your heart the means to express itself. When ideas come to you, follow them through and you'll discover it takes you to places that help you to heal and attract new opportunities. Other loved ones will have a significant part in helping you affirm new beginnings. Don't allow the fears to take you to darker places. It truly is a time of celebration. Know that you are being guided by the angels and your guides. They are ever at your side to your beck and call. Listen to their whispers as they're guiding you to new adventures. Be excited. You will be rewarded.

May you be blessed,

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Angel Calling Card # 8

The past two weeks I've woken up with a sore jaw & the muscles in my cheeks extremely tense, which makes me think that I'm grinding my teeth or clenching my jaw at night. I'm not stressed at work and everything in my personal life is smooth sailing. Can the angels shed some light as to why I would be grinding my teeth as I only associate that with stress.


Your desire to seek solitude is appropriate at this time. You're being counseled by your Higher Self to retreat, and to renew your soul through quiet contemplation. Your nervous system has been overstimulated, and you can't absorb any more input from the outer world. Step away and give yourself the necessary peace and time alone you require to revitalize your system. In doing so, you'll begin to sense, feel and even hear the voice of your Higher Self, but only when you step into more natural surroundings.

Reconnect with nature in whatever way is practical given your circumstances. Fully open your heart to your Higher Self, even if you fear that you can't make contact. You ARE making contact. Furthermore, your Higher Self asks you to take your time when contemplating your circumstances and considering your options. Resist the temptation to yield to any sense of urgency. There's no emergency. Your true direction will make itself known if you're patient. Your Higher Self alerts you to the fact that not all the necessary pieces of information to make the best decisions may be apparent yet. Your Higher Self wisely counsels that sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is do nothing. The message: 'Be quiet and wait.'

The grinding of your teeth has more to do with what you have just come out of and the stress you endured and also with choices that are coming up for you in other areas. This is your body's way of keeping you alert to these changes. Take some quiet time to soothe your body so that it doesn't need to express itself during your sleep time. Then all will settle down for you again.

Love & Blessings,

Angel Calling Card # 7

I have two men in my life right now but neither are entirely mine. Are either of these men "the one"? If not, how far away is he because I need him soon. L. W.

Dear L.W.

Thank you for your question, dear heart. First we would like to clear up this idea of 'the one'. It is a romantic idea that is popular in your world but it needs to be addressed in clearer terms. Sometimes before one chooses to enter into a life on the Earth, he or she chooses one person who will be their life-long mate and in these terms there is 'the one'. Otherwise there are many 'the ones' available to you throughout your life. You, dear heart did not go forth into your world to be set up with one partner for life.

You, dear heart are an adventurous and creative soul and wanted much adventure and drama while you were on Earth. This was so that you could expand upon your lessons in a quicker fashion. There is no greater way to expand your growth than through relationships. They all aid and abet us in our growth.

Now, since you will have several 'the ones' during your Earthly time, you'll find a wonderful partnership with someone you connect with in business terms.

L, I pulled a card for you from the Ask Your Guides oracle cards by Sonia Choquette, to offer you another view of your question. Here is what came up for you:

Business/Venus - The abundantly prosperous and infinitely loving Divine goddess Venus delights in guiding you in your business and moneymaking matters. As the goddess of love and relationships, she affirms that at the heart of all success in business, you'll find good relationships between people who trust one another. She points you to new levels of mastery in applying here love in order to create the most advantageous business partnerships possible.

She wants to move you past any resistance to her garden of earthly abundance and learn the art of creating prosperity and success. With her assistance, you'll find that you genuinely love what you're doing professionally and have a new appreciation for those you work with. This win/win approach to business will empower your efforts, and soon you'll find yourself in state of grace when it comes to succeeding on the material plane.

With Venus as your Divine mentor, you'll be guided to the right place at the right time and blessed with the right ideas to create a successful outcome for all. Let your heart be as generous as possible in your work, and approach it as an art whose creations you delight in. Guard against becoming greedy or drunk with materialism. Venus's Message: Business is an art, which you can master if you work from the heart.'


Angel Calling Card #6

Do you see me succeeding in completing my soul purpose/mission; even partially from here on.


We want you to know that you are using the word 'succeeding' in terms that your soul does not relate to, as it were. A more appropriate word might be 'expanding' as there is no completion of anything, only expansion. And this my dear, you are definitely doing.

We would also bring to mind that you have several what you call soul purposes but we are thinking you are referring to a spiritual purpose. Again, you have more than one purpose in this regard too. You are making great strides in all areas and although none of them will ever be complete, you will continue on and expand upon that which you have already learned and absorbed. Once absorbed there's little likelihood of you having to repeat experiences.

Are you losing faith in your gifts dear heart? What part of your life is dying? We ask you to accept what is dying, that is to drop that which doesn't bring you joy and enthusiasm any longer.

Your soul's purpose right now is to accept the natural cycles of life and death and directly confront what's presently ending in your life.

Your soul's lesson: Understand that in every termination, you're crossing the threshold of rebirth to another level. Rather than prolonging or denying what no longer brings life to your spirit, accept the inevitable truth that the cycle for this connection has ended, and consciously allow it to die naturally.

Don't run from your emotions or deny your sorrow or fear. It's time to resign yourself to Divine will and fully trust the normal rhythms of life and death. Remember, all that passes on is only in a state of becoming something new.

Love & Blessings, S. L.


*Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose oracle cards by Sonia Choquette were used here as well.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Angel Calling Card #5

Hi Dallas, Thank you.

Could the Angels let me know if I'll be moving in the Owen Sound direction for work and living, possibly into a new home.


Dear Sandra,

Thank you dear heart for your question. It's lovely to feel your presence.

Changes are ever present and you are witnessing the changes already taking place. A period of rest, meditation, rejuvenation, and recuperation is in order; it usually comes forward when you're encountering or coming out of a particularly emotional or mentally taxing experience. This is a # 4 card and in numerology it means, 'foundation', so this is a time to heal, to be with your soul, and to be continually moving steadily forward.

Allowing space just for your reflection is both needed and long overdue. Reposing and taking moments for yourself will give you the opportunity to look at a problem or situation instead of being in it. It's a chance to stand back, view your life with clarity and renewed appreciation, and see where changes can be made to create a healthier and stronger foundation, enabling you to take your next step.

Know that as you see these changes coming about, and as you instigate more change toward your desires that the angels are beside you and guiding you along the way. Continue listening to your feelings and thoughts as you are very well connected to the angelic realms. You will notice synchronicities along the way that will validate right choices.

First I see you doing just one of those in your question. What I mean is you may be still living in Meaford and working in Owen Sound or vice versa. It will take some extra time to bring both of them to the same place. The angels are with you as you step into your new life and bless you continually.

Love & Blessings!
Dallas <3
(This question was answered with help from John Holland's The Psychic Tarot oracle cards. The cards help me to validate the answer the angels are offering. Thanks)

Angel Calling Card #4

Hi Dallas,

I've been longing for some time to receive some guidance. My one question: What do I need to do to get the angels to speak with me?


Dear heart, Thandie,

Thank you for your question.

You are already in communication with the angels dear heart and there is nothing else you need to do in that regard. Every time you ask that question in your heart, angels are by your side in an instant!

It's because of your set beliefs that you are held in prison, believing the angels are 'out there' while you await them 'in here'. You only need start believing that they are close at hand and beckoning you forward.

We all go through transformations in our life and you are experiencing one of these during this present time. As you move through these transformations and take hold of the steps you need to take, you'll notice all flows easier if you quietly ask the angels to come near. We will try to help you unlock your doors of vantage views so that you're more aware of our presence in your days.

The voice you hear may sound like it's yours, but there's good reason it comes through that way. It causes you to be discernful about all that you hear, inside and outside. When that voice causes you to go into fear-based emotions, that tells you it is not guidance from the angels. We honor your free will and help you learn how to detect our positive vibes from those lower energy vibes. Our energy will help bring you movement, choices and decisions. You do not feel stuck when ideas come to mind and this is our input into your heart so that you may feel/see/hear us.

The more time you take to make these vital decisions and choices, the longer it will be before you can move toward your goals in the physical world. Coming up, there could be an opportunity for a partnership or financial union. Take a few minutes before you go to sleep, and again as you awaken in the morning to converse with the angels. In time, it will become second nature to you and you won't feel as awkward about it. As you listen and follow your hunches, you'll discover that you really are in contact with your angels and they are helping you manifest your desires, day in and day out. That is all the validation you need.

Speak to us as if we are your best friends for truly we have only your best interests at heart. Trust in us to guide you and listen to all the ways Spirit speaks to you. As you pay attention, more will be revealed to you. It is a journey after all; enjoy the partnership you develop with your Divine angels as well as your Earthly ones. Be open to pre-tending your in-tentions so that the angels are able to help you every step of the way. Notice the connections to everything.

Love & Blessings <3

Angel Calling Card #3


Wondering what you might see, any truly loving relationship (don't mean the kind of loving relationships I have had in the past where their purpose was to expose all of my baggage along with pain, yes, I know these were loving me and I was needing that but I am hopefully close to the end of that need for that kind of love) to one that really Feels Loving?


Your soul is calling out and needs to be honored and heard. The answers you seek aren't necessarily found in the outer world. The time has come for you to step back and withdraw from outside commotion. It's a reminder of how important it is to pause, still the mind, meditate, reflect, reevaluate, and discover the wisdom and answers within the very soul of your being.

When you strengthen the link to the Divine Source, and you're able to once again remember your true perfection. Meet your soul halfway and schedule some alone time to commune with your soul and also to give the power of spirit the opportunity to reinvigorate you with life force and vitality.

Conserve your energy and deal with one thing at a time as you follow the prompts from within. When it comes to moments of quiet, inner solitude, it really isn't about quantity, it's the quality that counts. The soul constantly draws to itself what it needs in order to learn and grow. For example, during this period, someone may step into your life and by sharing his or her own experiences, you may receive helpful insight and wisdom into your own.

The fact that you don't allow others to control you anymore is a sign of progress. It means that you're moving away from a world of dependency and are claiming your personal authority as a self-directed, conscious soul ready to take responsibility for yourself. Ask and it is given. The time is only when you choose it to be, nothing more or less.

(I also enlisted the help of John Holland's The Psychic Tarot and Sonia Choquette's Ask Your Guides oracle cards too. Blessings)

Love & Blessings, J,

Angel Callings Card #2

I was wondering Dallas if there is going to ever be a mister right in my life. - M

Dear M,

Thank you for your question and thank you for allowing the angels to offer you their love and guidance.

Dear heart, you are perfect and right and everyone who has ever been in your life is perfect and right. Although a change in direction is happening, it does not nullify all the rightness that has come before. This love is still intact and is eternal forever. You are dealing with your ego's view of life from the Earth portion of who you are, in these moments. It is never a clear view unless you bring your Soul into view as well.

Whenever you question who you are and thoughts pour through your mind of all that you are not, know and understand that this is your ego talking to you. If you want to have a pity party, the ego is a consummate host for bringing on the negative thoughts. If you want to hear the loving thoughts of who you are come into play in your life, then you have to allow for them.

Now, you may be wondering why I am talking about your thoughts, when all you want to know is if you'll ever find mr right, the one and only, your soulmate, your twin soul maybe, those people that everyone else seems to have but has eluded you. You tell us that you thought you had found him, but apparently you now feel you didn't because he is choosing another. I tell you dear one that all of your lovers have been soul mates. Each of them were in your life to help you and for you to help them. It was set up that way, by you, before you entered this world. Why would you do that? It's very simple dear heart. It's time for you to learn how to love You again. It's time for you to search deep into your heart and pull out that worthiness that has graced so many people's lives already, and now get ready to love anew.

Will you find another love, another mr. right? Yes, indeed you shall. And life will open wide for you once more and all that enters will be joyful and love felt again. Pull yourself out of your darkness each day and spend a few minutes ( or more, if possible ) telling yourself why you are so deserving of good and goodness in your life. This is our guidance for you to help you get through these days so that you may view your life with joy again. Close your eyes each day and talk to the angels for a few minutes. Tell them you're readying yourself to move on with your life, and they'll help guide you every step of the way, each new day.

Whenever a relationship ends its purpose, there is a mourning that goes with that. Allow yourself the mourning of that which no longer is and feed yourself lots of love. Do not keep re-hashing events and going through the 'what if's' because it is of no productive use. These are tricks of the ego to hold you hostage. It's time to break free dear heart. Gather your loved ones by your side and they will help you get a new lease on your life. A new Mr. Right is in the wings, awaiting your return to Love once more.

Love & BLessings to you!

Angel Calling Cards

Hi Dallas:
Eddie and I are struggling financially right now and it's really getting scary. WE have always been able to make ends meet, but for the first time we don't have a cushion. We are trying to come up with a plan and we're practicing "abundance" techniques, but it's hard! Any angel guidance?
Thanks, Linda B

Dear Linda B,
Do not fear dear hearts. The very fact that you ask this question shows that you are still in a place of 'fear', not 'abundance' and that is what you need to address. Did you know even when you had your soft 'cushions' to fall upon you still allowed yourself to fall back into your ego's fears? It didn't begin when you saw that your cushion was no longer there. It began when you both made choices to bring you into a different adventure. New adventures most always create blocks in the abundance attitude if not looked upon as opportunities to create anew.

Rather you have looked at it with fears in place and thus your creations became fixed in ego. As long as either of you lock yourself up in fears, there cannot be a smooth movement. It becomes chaotic and the fears build upon themselves and that is all you see anymore. This is where you are located right now. You are thinking of past memories when you had next to nothing in your world and now your fears bring these memories to your view to expand the fears even more. After all, it's not a fear if it just fades away, now is it? So it's up to your ego or both of your ego's to refocus upon a clearer viewpoint where you see your life as opportunities, not challenges.

You have both come up with some wonderful ideas in dealing with your opportunities but you stop there. You don't have to wait for the 'right' move. And move is an operative word for you because changes in your home are on the horizon. There is an opportunity already available or soon to be known to you where another joins your home and helps you financially. This is not only an opportunity to change your finances to everyone's benefit but it's also an opportunity for each of you to evolve in relationships. There is never only one purpose for any situation, person or event in your life. It is always affected on all levels of your life and expansion is seen everywhere.

Don't allow the fears to override who you are. Don't allow the fears to stop you in your tracks. Instead, admit to the fears you still cling to and work on affirmations to dissuade you from fears, into Light and Love. The power of your Soul is lovingly pushing and nudging you forward. Whether you're setting new goals, developing ideas, or planning a journey, it's essential that it's carefully thought out. When you tap into your inner guidance and balance it with self control, hard work and perseverance, it's likely to manifest a triumphant outcome.

Visualize the successful results as if it were happening right now. It's not the time to let go and let the river of life take you willy-nilly but rather it's time to grab those oars and purposefully direct yourself to your desired goals. It's a time to tap into the powerful knowledge of others, as well as to use the inner resources that are already within you.

Imagine your cushion is set firmly in place and always cradling you. Spend time each day visualizing this in a bubble of white light and you'll begin to see the fears dissipate and your goals come closer to fruition. Your mind and imagination cannot tell the difference between what is 'real and now' to what is just imagined. If it's in the imagination, your mind takes that for real, as does the Universe. If you mind it, it will matter. Love & Blessings to you both,