Sunday, February 27, 2011

Angel Guidance: Week of Feb.27 - March 5, 2011

The Field Maple

Serve without counting on reward or recognition. We must just do what needs to be done, because work is love made manifest. The person who brings themselves into resonance with the Field Maple starts to brim with qualities such as foresight, honesty, reliability, common sense, efficiency, the ability to organize, and many others.

Socially this means good management, fair work practices and remuneration, teamwork, and job sharing; or just getting down to the grindstone and doing your job! So please put down the book now, stop looking at the pretty picture and roll up your sleeves!

(Today's Angel Whisper comes to you from The Tree Angel Oracle by Fred Hagenneder & Anne Heng; published by Earthdancer - a Findhorn Press Imprint)

Thank you for these beautiful cards ((Barb)) <3

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