Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7 - March 14, 2011 Angel Whispers

Here's your Angel Whisper for the week of March 7 - March 14, 2011.

You can't force something to come or to remain, if's its true place is elsewhere. Remember that what is yours can never be taken away. Allowing is the key to this marker, for what is yours will come to pass.

The same applies to the past: This is the time to let go of old hurts, resentments, and unresolved anger, for they're no longer welcome burdens on the path ahead. Old and outmoded ideas about life, how you see others, who you are, based on who you were - these must also be left behind. Then you can move forward, unencumbered, stepping into the magic of the new present that leads into the best possible future.

Love & Blessings,

**This Angel Whisper came to you from the Wisdom of Avalon  oracle cards by Colette Baron Reid.

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