I have been seeing some shows lately on evp. Do you know much about it? It seems interesting but a little too fake at the same time. What are your thoughts?
(EVP means Electronic Voice Phenomena)
Since this question came to me today, eight years after that horrific experience, the answer includes something you can do to help us all heal.
Well I think there are some fake ones and some real ones. I heard a tape once that this guy I knew had where they left the recorder on inside a supposedly haunted house. It felt really eerie and I didn't like the energy so wouldn't listen to anymore than about a minute of it. The energy was very negative and I immediately protected myself with white light.
When they are real it's usually trapped spirits/ghosts that don't know how to move on or refuse to for whatever reason they deem necessary from their time on Earth. It's like they're caught in a loop and keep reliving the experience they had before death.
When it's around a place where many people's lives were taken at the same time and in horrific ways, it can just be the energy that's been imprinted upon time, so to speak. For instance at Ground Zero in NYC would be one we're all familiar with. It's caught in time until we all heal and move forward with love.
Your question came today, the 8th anniversary of 911, so an excellent time for sending love to that area. It's when we are more aware of our ego than our spirit that holds these ghosts/spirits captive. The good news is that there are countless loving souls and angels who work at helping these trapped spirits so that they may move in love as well. Some of us in this world do this work while sleeping too.
Hope that offers you some insight!
Love & Blessings,
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