Blood pressure is giving me a problem. Just wondered if you have any suggestions. Worrying wayyyy too much. I just had the Dr. prescribe a rx for a beta blocker... not working very well... giving me anxiety and rapid heart rate.. could use some advice...
I have high blood pressure issues as well. It's taken me two years to get on the right meds that are finally working. Apparently they have to go thru a bunch before the meds find the body it wants to work on. lol I have had it pretty much all my life, and right now we're finally making some headway. *~:)
So don't despair if the meds aren't working. Just tell your doctor and he/she will work from there. Some of my siblings have had the same trouble and it took them awhile to regulate as well. It runs in our family plus the daily stresses we put upon ourselves doesn't help. We all know stress works against us in all ways, but how to deal with the stress so that you can live a better life?
You might also want to check on how much salt you're eating. It plays havoc on your blood pressure as well. I was asked to cut out any condiments and other foods that hold salt. I've never been a salt advocate and sprinkled pepper more than salt ever. But apparently my body doesn't want me to use mustard or ketchup either. :| So be aware of salt/sodium that you're ingesting, unbeknownst! *~:)
Sometimes we get hooked on feeling bad. Meaning we forget what it's like to feel good and allow it. You're not allowing yourself to feel good. It feels like you are punishing yourself for deeds nobody else is aware of. You're beating yourself up, basically. You are cutting yourself off. I see an image of you bent over at the stomach as if you're stopping the flow yourself. You have to start using your imagination and whenever you are thinking bad thoughts about yourself, you have to first acknowledge that you are hearing the negativity, and then you are to say CANCEL, DELETE as you think of the thought. You do this every time a negative thought about YOU or anyone else comes into your mind.
As with myself, we have stopped the flow of love/blood in our life. We have been using ourselves to beat up because of unreleased anger and frustration we've felt from situations and people in our pasts. We have to move pass that anger and frustration and instead wrap it with love and forgive. The only way to do this is by constantly being aware of what thoughts you're processing. You'll be amazed at what you are telling yourself.
Now I ask you, when you hear what you're saying to yourself, would you say that to another person, say your daughter or your son? The answer is probably, no. So why would you say this to yourself and keep doing this to yourself when YOU deserve the same love as anyone else. So the love you'd offer another, start offering this love to you. That's the first inner step you need to take to heal your body and allow the blood to flow uninterrupted.
What kind of life do you want to create? It starts right here, right now. It's YOUR choice. It's always YOUR choice. Every time you choose to cancel/delete a negative remark or thought you are sowing the seeds of creating a better life for yourself. Commit to it. You're all you got! And you're all we got and we think you're perfect in every way. Now take some time as you will every day, and see all the gifts you offer and why you are Love, you are loved, and you are loving. Be blessed!
Love, Dallas
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