Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blood pressure is giving me a problem. Just wondered if you have any suggestions.?

Blood pressure is giving me a problem. Just wondered if you have any suggestions. Worrying wayyyy too much. I just had the Dr. prescribe a rx for a beta blocker... not working very well... giving me anxiety and rapid heart rate.. could use some advice...
I have high blood pressure issues as well. It's taken me two years to get on the right meds that are finally working. Apparently they have to go thru a bunch before the meds find the body it wants to work on. lol I have had it pretty much all my life, and right now we're finally making some headway. *~:)

So don't despair if the meds aren't working. Just tell your doctor and he/she will work from there. Some of my siblings have had the same trouble and it took them awhile to regulate as well. It runs in our family plus the daily stresses we put upon ourselves doesn't help. We all know stress works against us in all ways, but how to deal with the stress so that you can live a better life?

You might also want to check on how much salt you're eating. It plays havoc on your blood pressure as well. I was asked to cut out any condiments and other foods that hold salt. I've never been a salt advocate and sprinkled pepper more than salt ever. But apparently my body doesn't want me to use mustard or ketchup either. :| So be aware of salt/sodium that you're ingesting, unbeknownst! *~:)

Sometimes we get hooked on feeling bad. Meaning we forget what it's like to feel good and allow it. You're not allowing yourself to feel good. It feels like you are punishing yourself for deeds nobody else is aware of. You're beating yourself up, basically. You are cutting yourself off. I see an image of you bent over at the stomach as if you're stopping the flow yourself. You have to start using your imagination and whenever you are thinking bad thoughts about yourself, you have to first acknowledge that you are hearing the negativity, and then you are to say CANCEL, DELETE as you think of the thought. You do this every time a negative thought about YOU or anyone else comes into your mind.

As with myself, we have stopped the flow of love/blood in our life. We have been using ourselves to beat up because of unreleased anger and frustration we've felt from situations and people in our pasts. We have to move pass that anger and frustration and instead wrap it with love and forgive. The only way to do this is by constantly being aware of what thoughts you're processing. You'll be amazed at what you are telling yourself.

Now I ask you, when you hear what you're saying to yourself, would you say that to another person, say your daughter or your son? The answer is probably, no. So why would you say this to yourself and keep doing this to yourself when YOU deserve the same love as anyone else. So the love you'd offer another, start offering this love to you. That's the first inner step you need to take to heal your body and allow the blood to flow uninterrupted.

What kind of life do you want to create? It starts right here, right now. It's YOUR choice. It's always YOUR choice. Every time you choose to cancel/delete a negative remark or thought you are sowing the seeds of creating a better life for yourself. Commit to it. You're all you got! And you're all we got and we think you're perfect in every way. Now take some time as you will every day, and see all the gifts you offer and why you are Love, you are loved, and you are loving. Be blessed!

Love, Dallas

Friday, September 11, 2009

How can you help Ground Zero on this 8th anniversary of 911?

I have been seeing some shows lately on evp. Do you know much about it? It seems interesting but a little too fake at the same time. What are your thoughts?

(EVP means Electronic Voice Phenomena)

Since this question came to me today, eight years after that horrific experience, the answer includes something you can do to help us all heal.

Well I think there are some fake ones and some real ones. I heard a tape once that this guy I knew had where they left the recorder on inside a supposedly haunted house. It felt really eerie and I didn't like the energy so wouldn't listen to anymore than about a minute of it. The energy was very negative and I immediately protected myself with white light.

When they are real it's usually trapped spirits/ghosts that don't know how to move on or refuse to for whatever reason they deem necessary from their time on Earth. It's like they're caught in a loop and keep reliving the experience they had before death.

When it's around a place where many people's lives were taken at the same time and in horrific ways, it can just be the energy that's been imprinted upon time, so to speak. For instance at Ground Zero in NYC would be one we're all familiar with. It's caught in time until we all heal and move forward with love.

Your question came today, the 8th anniversary of 911, so an excellent time for sending love to that area. It's when we are more aware of our ego than our spirit that holds these ghosts/spirits captive. The good news is that there are countless loving souls and angels who work at helping these trapped spirits so that they may move in love as well. Some of us in this world do this work while sleeping too.

Hope that offers you some insight!

Love & Blessings,
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How do I let go of the fear so I can listen to wisdom of serpent?

However, the archetype of the first Chakra is serpent. I am deathly afraid of snakes and am having trouble embracing this experience fully. How do I let go of the fear so I can listen to wisdom of serpent?

First, I pulled a card for you from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland. Here is the card and its meaning, and the angels have more to offer once you've read this card:

'The first of the Mental cards signifies that new beginnings and exciting challenges may be before you. By utilizing your strength, willpower, determination and focus, there's the potential for you to reign triumphant in many areas of your life.

In traditional tarot, this card represents the Ace of Swords; and since a sword is double edged, it can cut through all the barriers that hold you back if it's done constructively and with precision. Remember that there's another side to the blade. If you're rash or use it in a destructive way, it could be harmful to yourself and others - always pause and think before you act. This card is a reminder to vanquish negative thoughts from your mind, strengthen and tap into your mental powers, and use clarity with control in order to initiate new ways of thinking.'

The first thing that came to me when I read your question was a cartoon replica of a snake. You're being guided to use your imagination to bring the serpent down to a level that you can focus upon, without bringing your fears into play. You can create the serpent in your mind by drawing it yourself as you imagine it, or finding another cartoon of a snake that is acceptable. When you create the visual of the snake that's acceptable to you, then speak the words 'snake' and 'serpent' out loud or silently and when you do, imagine the cartoon replica immediately. Once you associate the sound of the words with the cartoon replica your fears will subside. Practice it until you can do it without any fears coming to mind. It'll happen faster than you think it will.

I also offer EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) which helps people overcome their fears so that it doesn't manifest into bodily or mental ailments. You can learn more on EFT and my services here:

Love & Blessings,

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How can I turn up the volume to hear your angelic voices?

I feel your presence a lot during the day, especially in times of challenge, but I really wish to hear you clearly.
What can I do to turn up the volume of your voices so that I can hear you? I know you're there!

Angel Guidance:

Notice messages that appear as sounds, music, and words, from both external sources and within your mind. These messages are real answers to your prayers.

You received this card because the angels have been trying to get your attention. They're heard your prayers and are giving you information and instructions so that you can take appropriate action. You are hearing the angels' messages in various ways: repetitive songs, an overheard conversation, a stranger's out of the blue reassurances, or words that you hear in your mind. The angels' messages are always loving, positive, trustworthy, and constructive.

In a quiet place, say the following to Archangel Michael:

'I now ask you to vacuum and clear any lower energies in my physical ears or ear chakras. I am willing to release anything painful that I've ever heard, in exchange for clarity in my ability to hear the voice of love and the angels.'


(Card drawn from Angel Therapy oracle cards by Doreen Virtue)

Am I on the right track?

I would like to know if the angels think that my study of programming will enhance my career. I am a writer and instructional designer by trade. Am I on the right track?

Angel Guidance:

(Card drawn from The Psychic Tarot oracle deck by John Holland)

You're about to embark on a much needed journey to leave the past behind.This card lets you know there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it signifies that the time has arrived in which a difficult cycle in your life is coming to an end. In the traditional tarot, it also implies traveling or going forward. Calmer waters are ahead, and with all the lessons you've learned from past experiences, you're approaching this period having grown; and you're stronger for it.

The healing process is under way; and now you can set your goals, desires, and objectives to secure a more positive and successful future. Because your mind is more settled and less worried, synchronistic events will bring the right conditions and introduce people into your life for your highest good.

There's no need for me to say more as your answer is indeed a resounding YES!


intestinal bleeding question

Will the bleeding from my son's intestine be cured with diet change or surgery, what is cause?

Angel Guidance:

A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely, so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over, because this card signifies a healing has occurred. To realize this healing, however, you must first stop focusing on 'what is wrong' and instead affirm: 'Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now.'

Hold thoughts of love around any situation that seems to need healing. Visualize the situation as healed right now. Then, give thanks for this healing and completely release everything to the angels. The powerful effects of your healing work touch many lives.

When asked what was the cause I am getting too much salt and accepting into the body those nutrients that do not help you. There are foods that your body shows an adverse affect when ingested. The body also does not take in enough water to cleanse it. A change of diet will change your body for the better. If you abide by good eating and drinking habits and be aware of neutralizing any fears you carry in your thoughts and words, surgery will be avoided. Ask the angels to help buoy you each morning and then give thanks for your perfect body each night. Expect the healing and you shall experience it.

(Card drawn from Healing With the Angels oracles cards by Doreen Virtue)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Special Offer

Special Offers:

Angel & Psychic Reading - 2 for the price of 1 offer:

If you and a friend or family member would like an Angel & Guidance reading, Dallas will do both readings for the price of one reading. You choose who is going to pay for the reading and then the other person will have to reimburse the person who paid, their half. That’s all between you and the friend or family member who wants to share in a reading with you.

The only requirement – You and the other person have to be a fan of the Gifts Of Divinity fan page at Facebook. If you’d like to become a fan to be eligible for this offer, here’s the link to join:

To receive this offer and to order your readings, click on the following link:

Once you’ve placed your order, send me your name and email address along with the name and email address of the other person you’re getting a reading for. I look forward to sharing with you!

When is this offer available? – During the month of September, 2009.

How is it available? – All readings will take place by phone. A time will be set up via email.

If you’re in the USA or Canada, I will initiate the call. It’s best if you provide a landline rather than a cell phone line so that you don’t incur extra fees from your cell carrier.

If you live anywhere else in the world, you will have to initiate the call and pay any extra fees your local carrier requests.

September 2009 Angel Guidance

Event – Angel Guidance

This event is available to anyone who is a Fan of Gifts Of Divinity at Facebook. It’s easy to join. Just click on the following link and at the top of the page click on the button that says ‘Become a Fan’.
Do you have a question for the angels? You may offer one question emailed to:
Please put in the subject of the email: Angel Guidance.
Once it’s been verified that you are indeed a Fan of Gifts Of Divinity, your angelic guidance will be offered with only your question (not your identity) and the response from the angels.
Please remember only one question is allowed from each person per week. Please note that I won’t answer any ‘time’ questions. Time puts limitation on your requests.
The question from you and the answer from the angels will be found at:
I will post on the fan page of Gifts Of Divinity each time a new question and angelic answer has been published. Look forward to connecting!