Monday, April 5, 2010

Angel Calling Cards

Hi Dallas:
Eddie and I are struggling financially right now and it's really getting scary. WE have always been able to make ends meet, but for the first time we don't have a cushion. We are trying to come up with a plan and we're practicing "abundance" techniques, but it's hard! Any angel guidance?
Thanks, Linda B

Dear Linda B,
Do not fear dear hearts. The very fact that you ask this question shows that you are still in a place of 'fear', not 'abundance' and that is what you need to address. Did you know even when you had your soft 'cushions' to fall upon you still allowed yourself to fall back into your ego's fears? It didn't begin when you saw that your cushion was no longer there. It began when you both made choices to bring you into a different adventure. New adventures most always create blocks in the abundance attitude if not looked upon as opportunities to create anew.

Rather you have looked at it with fears in place and thus your creations became fixed in ego. As long as either of you lock yourself up in fears, there cannot be a smooth movement. It becomes chaotic and the fears build upon themselves and that is all you see anymore. This is where you are located right now. You are thinking of past memories when you had next to nothing in your world and now your fears bring these memories to your view to expand the fears even more. After all, it's not a fear if it just fades away, now is it? So it's up to your ego or both of your ego's to refocus upon a clearer viewpoint where you see your life as opportunities, not challenges.

You have both come up with some wonderful ideas in dealing with your opportunities but you stop there. You don't have to wait for the 'right' move. And move is an operative word for you because changes in your home are on the horizon. There is an opportunity already available or soon to be known to you where another joins your home and helps you financially. This is not only an opportunity to change your finances to everyone's benefit but it's also an opportunity for each of you to evolve in relationships. There is never only one purpose for any situation, person or event in your life. It is always affected on all levels of your life and expansion is seen everywhere.

Don't allow the fears to override who you are. Don't allow the fears to stop you in your tracks. Instead, admit to the fears you still cling to and work on affirmations to dissuade you from fears, into Light and Love. The power of your Soul is lovingly pushing and nudging you forward. Whether you're setting new goals, developing ideas, or planning a journey, it's essential that it's carefully thought out. When you tap into your inner guidance and balance it with self control, hard work and perseverance, it's likely to manifest a triumphant outcome.

Visualize the successful results as if it were happening right now. It's not the time to let go and let the river of life take you willy-nilly but rather it's time to grab those oars and purposefully direct yourself to your desired goals. It's a time to tap into the powerful knowledge of others, as well as to use the inner resources that are already within you.

Imagine your cushion is set firmly in place and always cradling you. Spend time each day visualizing this in a bubble of white light and you'll begin to see the fears dissipate and your goals come closer to fruition. Your mind and imagination cannot tell the difference between what is 'real and now' to what is just imagined. If it's in the imagination, your mind takes that for real, as does the Universe. If you mind it, it will matter. Love & Blessings to you both,


Anonymous said...

wow...this is quite a response! .......thanks so much......

Unknown said...

Great to hear! Thank you *~:)