Thank you for your question of questions! *smiles*
I was guided to offer you two different messages. The first one comes from the Goddess oracle cards
The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.
Romance is not an outmoded concept – far from it. Romance is the time honored precept of merging with the Divine as it’s manifest within another human being.
Romance is also playfulness, which heralds springtime, flowers, and new life. You needn’t be in a partnership to evoke romance, however. You can manifest it for yourself through laughter, surrounding yourself with beauty, and indulging in luxurious treats. Romance is the life force of the universe, and is a worthwhile goal indeed!
There is renewed passion in an existing relationship. Take steps to make sure your romantic needs are being met.
The angels also have a second message to offer you.
“You are a Beloved Child of God who is on Earth during this unique moment
to co-create the wonders of Heaven on Earth. You are an empowered
Instrument of God. This inner knowing is opening your heart and allowing
your God Self to increase the amount of Divine Light flowing through your
Earthly body.
This increased influx of Light flows into the physical plane and enters the
core of purity in every electron of precious life energy. The Light then
pushes to the surface anything that conflicts with its frequencies of
harmony, love, and balance. As the discordant frequencies of energy surface
to be transmuted back into Light, they often create the illusion that
things are getting worse. People can easily witness the surfacing negativity,
but what they don't see as easily is the incredible Light that is pushing
the negativity to the surface to be healed and transmuted. That phenomenon
has the effect of keeping people focused on the problem instead of the
It Is Time To Remember Who You Are
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
I was reading this article earlier and I was guided to share that message from a full article Patricia Cota Robles wrote. You’ll find this and more at this website:
May you find peacefulness in your day.
Love & Blessings,
1 comment:
That was well said, and I now know why I've been surrounded my double whammy's.
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