Dallas offers angelic guidance from those divine beings ever ready and willing to help us with anything. Nothing is too big or small and all you have to do is allow the angels into your life. Here, Dallas will share with you weekly guidance of Angel Whispers. Follow me!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Russian Blue Mix Angel Guidance
Dear Dallas,
I lost my Russian Blue Mix, Natasha, after 14 years of being graced with her physical presence. She had a terrible death from bone cancer in her jaw. I made the decision, after a night full of pain, to let her go. What I want to know is this:
Is she with me in some form?
I live with Bi-Polar Disorder
and have been living with the Black Dog for a long time. Natasha's loss was a terrible blow. Natasha was very special to me and gave me much comfort during my dark times. We would lay together as a mother and child would. Natasha would lay her head on my upper arm and face me, her heart beating against mine. My heart hurts from the loss of her gentle purrs and her heartbeat and my arms feel so empty. I don't seem to be able to find comfort anywhere.
Thank you, dear Dallas,
I send Love and Blessings to you, especially during your time of mourning. It is difficult to lose a beloved animal as they become a part of your family, and thus it is similar to losing a family member, taking a long time to heal.
Your beloved Natasha is safe and free from pain now. She offers you love and gratitude in doing what was good and right to end her suffering. She’s now at peace and visits you in spirit, attempting to comfort you from that realm.
I felt drawn to pull a card from the oracle deck Healing with the Fairies
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.d
and the angelic fairies continue the theme of family in their message to you.
Family units are extremely important to the fairy realm. They understand the value of taking care of these relationships. The fairies never allow hurt feelings to fester. They promptly discuss misunderstandings, and they share their feelings honestly with one another. By drawing this card, you are urged to face up to ill feelings you may have with family members, and take human and spiritual steps to effect a healing.
This card also signals that a new family member is coming into your life. This could also signify the return of a family member with whom you’ve lost contact. These changes come to you on heaven’s wings, meaning that you are safe, protected, and will derive enjoyment from them.
Natasha will return to you, in the form of another cat coming into your life in the near future. Enjoy your reunion in the blessed body of new life.
Love and Blessings,
I lost my Russian Blue Mix, Natasha, after 14 years of being graced with her physical presence. She had a terrible death from bone cancer in her jaw. I made the decision, after a night full of pain, to let her go. What I want to know is this:
Is she with me in some form?
I live with Bi-Polar Disorder
Thank you, dear Dallas,
I send Love and Blessings to you, especially during your time of mourning. It is difficult to lose a beloved animal as they become a part of your family, and thus it is similar to losing a family member, taking a long time to heal.
Your beloved Natasha is safe and free from pain now. She offers you love and gratitude in doing what was good and right to end her suffering. She’s now at peace and visits you in spirit, attempting to comfort you from that realm.
I felt drawn to pull a card from the oracle deck Healing with the Fairies
Family units are extremely important to the fairy realm. They understand the value of taking care of these relationships. The fairies never allow hurt feelings to fester. They promptly discuss misunderstandings, and they share their feelings honestly with one another. By drawing this card, you are urged to face up to ill feelings you may have with family members, and take human and spiritual steps to effect a healing.
This card also signals that a new family member is coming into your life. This could also signify the return of a family member with whom you’ve lost contact. These changes come to you on heaven’s wings, meaning that you are safe, protected, and will derive enjoyment from them.
Natasha will return to you, in the form of another cat coming into your life in the near future. Enjoy your reunion in the blessed body of new life.
Love and Blessings,
Court Case Outcome
Hello Dallas:
I'd very much appreciate a response from your angels. What can they tell me about the outcome of a court case that's been wearing me down for the last couple of years? My health and finances are suffering, and yet I see no clear resolution in sight.
you are blessed and a blessing <3
(please withhold my name)
Blessings to you as well.
First, I was guided to offer you a message from an oracle deck I used in a reading not long ago by John Holland
, The Psychic Tarot
. Personally, I love this deck and I find it always gets to the bottom of the matter.
While shuffling the cards and focusing upon your energy, I drew the Crown Chakra card.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and has been called, ‘The Thousand - Petaled Lotus’ or ‘The Receiver of Light.’ This chakra is the center of your link with the Universe, the Infinite, and your higher consciousness – it’s the connection between wisdom and spiritual insight. The crown center is the area where ethereal light and energy are received and then dispersed throughout your aura for total well-being.
To balance this chakra, I find that meditation, breath work, yoga, spiritual healing, acupuncture, and color therapy work best. When properly aligned, your Crown Chakra will expand to a point where it’s possible to access and tap into the deepest sources of wisdom.
Another whisper of guidance:
Let the light shine in because you’re about to see the light at the end of this tunnel. Feelings of happiness.
Love and Blessings,
I'd very much appreciate a response from your angels. What can they tell me about the outcome of a court case that's been wearing me down for the last couple of years? My health and finances are suffering, and yet I see no clear resolution in sight.
you are blessed and a blessing <3
(please withhold my name)
Blessings to you as well.
First, I was guided to offer you a message from an oracle deck I used in a reading not long ago by John Holland
While shuffling the cards and focusing upon your energy, I drew the Crown Chakra card.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and has been called, ‘The Thousand - Petaled Lotus’ or ‘The Receiver of Light.’ This chakra is the center of your link with the Universe, the Infinite, and your higher consciousness – it’s the connection between wisdom and spiritual insight. The crown center is the area where ethereal light and energy are received and then dispersed throughout your aura for total well-being.
To balance this chakra, I find that meditation, breath work, yoga, spiritual healing, acupuncture, and color therapy work best. When properly aligned, your Crown Chakra will expand to a point where it’s possible to access and tap into the deepest sources of wisdom.
Another whisper of guidance:
Let the light shine in because you’re about to see the light at the end of this tunnel. Feelings of happiness.
Love and Blessings,
I've Many Questions!
I've many questions! Can you give me a general feeling of how things are? Hopefully improving and forward! I feel it is, but just curious?
Thank you for your question of questions! *smiles*
I was guided to offer you two different messages. The first one comes from the Goddess oracle cards
by Doreen Virtue PhD
, and the message is from Guinevere, the Celtic Triple Goddess.
The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.
Romance is not an outmoded concept – far from it. Romance is the time honored precept of merging with the Divine as it’s manifest within another human being.
Romance is also playfulness, which heralds springtime, flowers, and new life. You needn’t be in a partnership to evoke romance, however. You can manifest it for yourself through laughter, surrounding yourself with beauty, and indulging in luxurious treats. Romance is the life force of the universe, and is a worthwhile goal indeed!
There is renewed passion in an existing relationship. Take steps to make sure your romantic needs are being met.
The angels also have a second message to offer you.
“You are a Beloved Child of God who is on Earth during this unique moment
to co-create the wonders of Heaven on Earth. You are an empowered
Instrument of God. This inner knowing is opening your heart and allowing
your God Self to increase the amount of Divine Light flowing through your
Earthly body.
This increased influx of Light flows into the physical plane and enters the
core of purity in every electron of precious life energy. The Light then
pushes to the surface anything that conflicts with its frequencies of
harmony, love, and balance. As the discordant frequencies of energy surface
to be transmuted back into Light, they often create the illusion that
things are getting worse. People can easily witness the surfacing negativity,
but what they don't see as easily is the incredible Light that is pushing
the negativity to the surface to be healed and transmuted. That phenomenon
has the effect of keeping people focused on the problem instead of the
It Is Time To Remember Who You Are
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
I was reading this article earlier and I was guided to share that message from a full article Patricia Cota Robles wrote. You’ll find this and more at this website:
May you find peacefulness in your day.
Love & Blessings,
Thank you for your question of questions! *smiles*
I was guided to offer you two different messages. The first one comes from the Goddess oracle cards
The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you.
Romance is not an outmoded concept – far from it. Romance is the time honored precept of merging with the Divine as it’s manifest within another human being.
Romance is also playfulness, which heralds springtime, flowers, and new life. You needn’t be in a partnership to evoke romance, however. You can manifest it for yourself through laughter, surrounding yourself with beauty, and indulging in luxurious treats. Romance is the life force of the universe, and is a worthwhile goal indeed!
There is renewed passion in an existing relationship. Take steps to make sure your romantic needs are being met.
The angels also have a second message to offer you.
“You are a Beloved Child of God who is on Earth during this unique moment
to co-create the wonders of Heaven on Earth. You are an empowered
Instrument of God. This inner knowing is opening your heart and allowing
your God Self to increase the amount of Divine Light flowing through your
Earthly body.
This increased influx of Light flows into the physical plane and enters the
core of purity in every electron of precious life energy. The Light then
pushes to the surface anything that conflicts with its frequencies of
harmony, love, and balance. As the discordant frequencies of energy surface
to be transmuted back into Light, they often create the illusion that
things are getting worse. People can easily witness the surfacing negativity,
but what they don't see as easily is the incredible Light that is pushing
the negativity to the surface to be healed and transmuted. That phenomenon
has the effect of keeping people focused on the problem instead of the
It Is Time To Remember Who You Are
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
I was reading this article earlier and I was guided to share that message from a full article Patricia Cota Robles wrote. You’ll find this and more at this website:
May you find peacefulness in your day.
Love & Blessings,
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Miss My Mom
Dear Dallas
I am wishing to see or hear Moms spirit
. I am missing her so much. It is 12 days since she passed. I am so used to talking with her each and everyday and seeing her lots. My heart feels broken and I know it all takes time. I talk out loud every day to the angels and ask they please tell Mom what I say...
I have a lot to deal with now with Dad being alone and setting up everything I can in order to have him stay at home. That was a promise I made to Mom and I am trying my best to keep it.
" MOM... I love you forever and always, your daughter.. Lisa xoxo"
It is so difficult to lose a loved one, especially a loving mother. The angels
surround you in your time of grief and they encircle your mother as well. All of the love that you and others are sending out is being received by your mother. She is aware of what is happening and is sending love back in return. It helps buoy her as well as keep you grounded too. She wants you to know that she is still there beside you, guiding you as she did when she was physically with you. Now, however, she is sending her guidance through by sending loving energy.
Remember when she was alive and you sat and chatted. Remember how you always felt at peace and no matter what the trouble was, she made sense out of it for you or showed you another way to see it. She always calmed you. She is still doing it. Whenever you feel a wave of calmness float over you, know that she is present and wrapping you up in love. This is one of her signs for you to know she’s here with you. Another is a rainbow. She always loved rainbows and wants you to think of her when you witness one. There is a scarf of hers that is similar to the colours of the rainbow and she wants you to keep that one, to remind you.
She’s also speaking of roses
for the garden. It is to be symbolic of the love you share and the experience you’ll have of seeing it bloom each year, passing away into another form in spirit, and coming back into the rose bush again the following year. It is a reminder to you that she has only passed into Spirit and you’ll be reunited again one day. But not yet, you’ve more work to do here.
I also see a little white dog with her.
May that offer you some comfort, Lisa.
Love & Blessings,
I am wishing to see or hear Moms spirit
I have a lot to deal with now with Dad being alone and setting up everything I can in order to have him stay at home. That was a promise I made to Mom and I am trying my best to keep it.
" MOM... I love you forever and always, your daughter.. Lisa xoxo"
It is so difficult to lose a loved one, especially a loving mother. The angels
Remember when she was alive and you sat and chatted. Remember how you always felt at peace and no matter what the trouble was, she made sense out of it for you or showed you another way to see it. She always calmed you. She is still doing it. Whenever you feel a wave of calmness float over you, know that she is present and wrapping you up in love. This is one of her signs for you to know she’s here with you. Another is a rainbow. She always loved rainbows and wants you to think of her when you witness one. There is a scarf of hers that is similar to the colours of the rainbow and she wants you to keep that one, to remind you.
She’s also speaking of roses
I also see a little white dog with her.
May that offer you some comfort, Lisa.
Love & Blessings,
Job secuity or insecurity?
The angels and guides
find a number of ways to communicate with us. It's not always our inner visions, symbols, or inner hearing. They're very creative in the signs they offer and although some are tried and true, sometimes they find other ways to get their messages through. For Karin's question the angels chose one of the oracle decks I use, out of about 15 different decks and you'll see how the card I picked went right to her question. I love that they speak to me in so many different ways. It keeps life interesting! Blessings to you. :)
Thank you for allowing me to ask you a question. For the last year I have been contracting at company and the job should last for another two years according to the contract, but I am getting older and wondering if I should try to get another contract that might lead to a permanent job until retirement or should I wait until a permanent job comes along or should I stay where I am at and hope that another contract comes along when I need it. I know God and the angels are looking out after me, they have always provided me with a good job but sometimes I don't always make the right job decisions or so it seems.
God bless you Dallas for all that you do for us. I pray for you and your health.
First, thank you for your prayers. Much love and blessings to you too!
I focused on your question and thoughts while shuffling a deck of oracle cards by John Holland
, The Psychic Tarot.
The angels asked me to choose these cards for your answer.
Here is what is offered to you.
One of the laws of the Universe is: What you sow, you reap. This card states that this is your time to reap the harvest you’ve worked for and so rightly deserve. This last Physical Card denotes self-mastery, self-sufficiency, independence, security, and the art of enjoying what you’ve strived for. You’ve done the hard work, learned the lessons along the way, and used them to prosper in all areas of your life.
The number 9 (that’s the # of this card in this section) also means endings – not that good fortune necessarily stops, but do honor yourself as you finish up or celebrate the completion of your projects. This would be the perfect time to look ahead and use the wisdom you’ve gained to think about what else you want to achieve. Consider smart investments, and ponder ideas that show profitable potential. Congratulations on your success – you’ve earned it!
Love & Blessings, Karin,
Thank you for allowing me to ask you a question. For the last year I have been contracting at company and the job should last for another two years according to the contract, but I am getting older and wondering if I should try to get another contract that might lead to a permanent job until retirement or should I wait until a permanent job comes along or should I stay where I am at and hope that another contract comes along when I need it. I know God and the angels are looking out after me, they have always provided me with a good job but sometimes I don't always make the right job decisions or so it seems.
God bless you Dallas for all that you do for us. I pray for you and your health.
First, thank you for your prayers. Much love and blessings to you too!
I focused on your question and thoughts while shuffling a deck of oracle cards by John Holland
Here is what is offered to you.
One of the laws of the Universe is: What you sow, you reap. This card states that this is your time to reap the harvest you’ve worked for and so rightly deserve. This last Physical Card denotes self-mastery, self-sufficiency, independence, security, and the art of enjoying what you’ve strived for. You’ve done the hard work, learned the lessons along the way, and used them to prosper in all areas of your life.
The number 9 (that’s the # of this card in this section) also means endings – not that good fortune necessarily stops, but do honor yourself as you finish up or celebrate the completion of your projects. This would be the perfect time to look ahead and use the wisdom you’ve gained to think about what else you want to achieve. Consider smart investments, and ponder ideas that show profitable potential. Congratulations on your success – you’ve earned it!
Love & Blessings, Karin,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Angel Guidance Questions
Do you have a question for the Angels? Send it to:
I'll share it here at the Angel Guidance Blog. If you'd like to be anonymous with your question, pls tell me in your email w/ the question. I am accepting questions now and will posing answers at this blog beginning on Monday evening. I live on the West coast so 3 hrs. behind those on the East Coast. With that in mind, you may not see any answers until Tuesday. Hope to hear from you!
Love & Blessings,
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