Everything has quickened. You are becoming aware of the paradigm of this world and how it works. It's not completed and never will be finished. That is why it's so important for you to be present and to always be aware of what's happening to you Now
. What are you feeling? Are you bringing on emotions that will hinder your journey?
When you are aware of your situation from an observer standpoint, you're able to move forward easier. You will notice that the quickening of time
is only felt when you are not living in the present. When you think of your yesterdays and then ponder your tomorrows you cannot believe how quickly time is passing by. You feel like you have to hurry up or you will miss something.
That is the thinking of an over-thinking mind. When you allow your mind to wander into the different times of your life, you have missed being in the present. It's that present presence that you feel like you have lost. As soon as you acknowledge that awareness and bring yourself back into the present moment
that time then moves to your beckoning. That's because the observer of who you are and the experiencer of who you are have united to give you a far different view/standpoint. That's how you affect positive change in your life too.
You go to different viewpoints all the time. Sometimes you revisit those you've looked at before and other times you seek new ways to see life, especially Your Life. When I was younger and reading Jane Roberts
books of her Seth channelings
I had a very different outlook than I do today. Although at that time I felt like I was 'getting it', I still needed time to pass so that I could view it from different angels as I grew in years physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Given that time, I now see Seth and Jane's work in a more expanded view. Some things that I missed 'back then', I'm able to grasp today and it's still that 'aha' moment that assures me I'm seeing from a new angle.
If you're having trouble seeing from your present angle, you can always get help from this world and other worlds
. What other worlds am I talking about? Mostly I'm referring to your spirit guides
and angels who help you walk this terrain we call Earth. Are you aware of your angels and spirit guides
? I ask you that question knowing full well you are aware of them, just not necessarily seeing them. You feel like you concoct some image of either in your mind, but it's just you and you're only imagining or guessing so it can't be true. But it can be and it is. Your mind can only imagine that which you know. If you don't know it, your mind can't comprehend it until it's introduced to you. It is viewpoints like this that will help you trust your own imagination
and then you can work with it.
Angel blessings to you and your present moment.
Leave a comment in the link provided below if it moves you. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. I appreciate each of you.
Love & Blessings
Dallas Franklin
Dallas, your FB post said you were doing readings Monday and to leave a comment on this page if you had a question ... I don't know if this is where you meant the question to be - but I'm going to throw it in here. First, I'm glad you linked to the blog - I'll be checking it out!!
I'm going through a particularly stressful time, and it could be several months before it ends. This year I just can't seem to get and stay healthy - it's been one thing after another literally starting about midnight on New Year's. Being sick and caring for my mom long distance - running across the state to take her to doctor appointments or sit in the hospital with her contribute to my missing work - getting stressed out about getting behind at work - it's like a vicious circle. Do the angels have any suggestions how I can get on top of my health so i can be more effective and at least somewhat less stressed?
Thanks, Dallas - your readings are awesome!! Julie S.
Hi Julie,
Yes, you're in the right place for posting your question for the angels. *~;)
Tomorrow night I'll be tuning in to the angels and seeing what guidance they offer you, Julie.
Look forward to connecting with you.
Love & Blessings,
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