Hi Dallas,
RE: Angel Guidance you are doing Monday evening..here is my request:
I keep feeling a ring on my finger whenever I think about (name withheld) as well as when I feel his loving energy around me and many times it is so intense I can't focus on anything else at that time. My minister told me yesterday the ring represents my marriage to Spirit..but I'm feeling it is something I will be given soon by Dr. Jerry. Can you pull an angel card on this?
Last time I asked I did this incorrectly.
Sending you tons of unexpected blessings,
Dearest Ann,
This card signifies a time when you may experience stagnation, discontent, and boredom. Feelings of restlessness and impatience surrounds you. A relationship, project, or situation isn't moving forward fast enough and could be draining you emotionally and energetically.
You're longing for change and although the door you wish to have open, is closing, don't focus all your energy on it, as opportunity will soon knock.
A window or another door could quickly open, and if your attention and awareness isn't focused, you could easily miss it. Watch for synchronistic events that bring books, speakers, workshops, and new people into your life. Any of these could possibly hold a message for you. Have faith in divine timing, and know that everything changes for a reason. This acts as a reminder that it's a perfect time to reevaluate and search within your heart and soul for fresh insights.
Sometimes we're so focused upon one person that another light that shines just as brightly can pass us by. Don't let this happen to you. Allow your attention to take in all that's in your surroundings, not just certain individuals. When you do this, love will find you right where you expect it.
Love and Blessings, Ann,
Full Readings available at:
Dallas offers angelic guidance from those divine beings ever ready and willing to help us with anything. Nothing is too big or small and all you have to do is allow the angels into your life. Here, Dallas will share with you weekly guidance of Angel Whispers. Follow me!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Julie's Unhealthy Situation
Dallas, your FB post said you were doing readings Monday and to leave a comment on this page if you had a question ... I don't know if this is where you meant the question to be - but I'm going to throw it in here. First, I'm glad you linked to the blog - I'll be checking it out!!
I'm going through a particularly stressful time, and it could be several months before it ends. This year I just can't seem to get and stay healthy - it's been one thing after another literally starting about midnight on New Year's. Being sick and caring for my mom long distance - running across the state to take her to doctor appointments or sit in the hospital with her contribute to my missing work - getting stressed out about getting behind at work - it's like a vicious circle. Do the angels have any suggestions how I can get on top of my health so i can be more effective and at least somewhat less stressed?
Thanks, Dallas - your readings are awesome!! Julie S.
Thank you for your thoughts, Julie. We love you. Call upon us more frequently so that we may be better able to help you when needed. You don't have to wait until the last minute to ask for assistance. We're ever ready to aid you and it doesn't have to be 'BIG' in your mind. Usually when it becomes BIG in your mind, you've already set into motion an outcome that we cannot prevent from happening. Do you understand this? Do you see how you fill yourself up with worry in the hopes nothing 'bad' will happen. As long as you are doing and keeping yourself busy busy busy you don't have to look at your quests. Is that what is happening with you? Do you understand this?
Are you feeling like you do not matter? Do you feel that you have to look after others, in this case your mother, because nobody else is capable of doing it or offering their help? Before we go into any answers here we wish to let you know that your mother blesses you and loves you. Do you bless You and love You? Would you have another work themselves into a frenzy of worry and promote negative situations?
No, we do not think so either. But this is what you are doing dear heart with your own self. You are not giving YOU the LOVE it so desperately wants and needs. No wonder your body is rebelling and offering up sickness after another. Do you not see what you are doing to your body? Do you not see how your thoughts are destroying you, while you seek to aid another? How can one be of aid to another when one is not looking after one's self? How can you save another when you will not take the steps to save your self? Yes, these are the questions indeed. And from that perspective we shall offer you some guidance. The guidance is about Love.
Do not be distraught dear one for changes are coming to you and your situation. It signifies new beginnings and exciting challenges may be before you. By utilizing your strength, willpower, determination, and focus, there's the potential for you to reign triumphant in many areas of your life.
This represents a double edged sword. It can cut through the barriers that hold you back if it's done constructively and with precision. Remember that there's another side to the blade. If you're rash or use it in a destructive way, it could be harmful to yourself and others - always pause and think before you act. This is a reminder to vanquish negative thoughts from your mind, strengthen and tap into your mental powers, and use clarity with control in order to initiate new ways of thinking.
Love and Blessings,
I'm going through a particularly stressful time, and it could be several months before it ends. This year I just can't seem to get and stay healthy - it's been one thing after another literally starting about midnight on New Year's. Being sick and caring for my mom long distance - running across the state to take her to doctor appointments or sit in the hospital with her contribute to my missing work - getting stressed out about getting behind at work - it's like a vicious circle. Do the angels have any suggestions how I can get on top of my health so i can be more effective and at least somewhat less stressed?
Thanks, Dallas - your readings are awesome!! Julie S.
Thank you for your thoughts, Julie. We love you. Call upon us more frequently so that we may be better able to help you when needed. You don't have to wait until the last minute to ask for assistance. We're ever ready to aid you and it doesn't have to be 'BIG' in your mind. Usually when it becomes BIG in your mind, you've already set into motion an outcome that we cannot prevent from happening. Do you understand this? Do you see how you fill yourself up with worry in the hopes nothing 'bad' will happen. As long as you are doing and keeping yourself busy busy busy you don't have to look at your quests. Is that what is happening with you? Do you understand this?
Are you feeling like you do not matter? Do you feel that you have to look after others, in this case your mother, because nobody else is capable of doing it or offering their help? Before we go into any answers here we wish to let you know that your mother blesses you and loves you. Do you bless You and love You? Would you have another work themselves into a frenzy of worry and promote negative situations?
No, we do not think so either. But this is what you are doing dear heart with your own self. You are not giving YOU the LOVE it so desperately wants and needs. No wonder your body is rebelling and offering up sickness after another. Do you not see what you are doing to your body? Do you not see how your thoughts are destroying you, while you seek to aid another? How can one be of aid to another when one is not looking after one's self? How can you save another when you will not take the steps to save your self? Yes, these are the questions indeed. And from that perspective we shall offer you some guidance. The guidance is about Love.
Do not be distraught dear one for changes are coming to you and your situation. It signifies new beginnings and exciting challenges may be before you. By utilizing your strength, willpower, determination, and focus, there's the potential for you to reign triumphant in many areas of your life.
This represents a double edged sword. It can cut through the barriers that hold you back if it's done constructively and with precision. Remember that there's another side to the blade. If you're rash or use it in a destructive way, it could be harmful to yourself and others - always pause and think before you act. This is a reminder to vanquish negative thoughts from your mind, strengthen and tap into your mental powers, and use clarity with control in order to initiate new ways of thinking.
Love and Blessings,
Feeling Lost - Question to Angels
I feel lost in my life. I work full time and my evening classes are finally temporarily over and so I have some free time now, but now I feel stuck because I don't even know what will make me happy. I don't feel like staying home, but when I go out, the energy of the world is so hectic and overwhelming it can be a very unpleasant experience. I can't think of places to go out to. I feel like no matter where I go, there are people there, and the people are loud/rude in their vehicles, or unpleasant when seeing them walking because they always seem so pushy and aggressive towards each other. I feel like holding a white flag up to show that I mean no harm, but people are always on the defensive anyway and suspicious of everyone.
I have drove past a few metaphysical places here, but I am wary because even those I have visited I don't feel connected to or close in heart. They usually have a friendlier and more accepting energy, but I don't feel like I would fit in is what I mean.
I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. My work is okay but the energy of the people is often negative or stressful, especially my supervisor.
Today is the first time in a long time I felt like it might be a good time to have a life reset. Not too major as I am set okay right now, but in terms of my free time and how I live my life. I feel like I need change.
What do the angels say about this...any advice? I know I've asked for guidance from people before and I don't want to keep having less than fulfilling experiences.
Change is in the air and coming to you. Sometimes when we sense changes coming into our life we go in protective mode. Before we go into the changes coming up for you, let us speak about all this negativity that you are facing daily. Tell us, when you awaken in the morning Ned, when do you expect to start seeing the negative people? Is it just before you leave the house or are you thinking of it as soon as you open your eyes from your dreamland into this world? Or maybe you’re thinking about all the negative people that came into your world throughout the day and before you go into your dreamland you give these people more power by bringing them with you.
It is time to stop this negative thinking. It is time to stop expecting to validate this way of thinking. You are not your emotions or your feelings. You are the experiencer of those feelings and emotions. Why are you feeling these emotions and feelings? Dear one, it is you who is creating these experiences to feel those feelings. You’ve already validated that there are others in this world that may not have the disposition you deem to be happy but that is of no concern to you.
Just bless them, even silently, and move along and think about happy thoughts. If none come to mind, bring them to your mind. It’s the same process as those negative thoughts but now you’re choosing to have thoughts that feel better, that feel worthy, that feel full of love, that feel compassion. Grab hold of those feelings for all their worth and take those with you throughout your day. You will begin to see changes happening. First it will be only the slightest change and you will question it some, but do not fear. The changes are coming as surely as the choices for more positive thoughts are easier to bring to mind.
Choose each day upon rising to feel good about who you are and know that you are exactly where you need to be. Your purposes are already in process. You are already doing what you came here to do and you will continue to do so through your lifetime. Do not expect others to make you happy or sad or to wield power over you. None of this is true. You are the only one who can bring goodness and kindness and love into your life.
It is like you have been living behind a shield and it’s time to remove this block so that you can live freely again. Let go of all those thoughts that only bring you down. Leave them where they belong, in the lower vibrations. Once you raise your own vibration you’ll begin to see those of higher vibrations coming into your life. This is what you wish to send out into the Universe because it will return to you exactly as you sent it out. Call it the universal boomerang for it always knows where to find you. Even if you feel lost your Higher Self knows exactly where you are and your Spirit is with you at all times.
Call upon the angels to help you shoulder the pains you feel and they will wrap their wings around you, pull your wings out from your shoulder blades, and watch you soar high as you climb towards the love of your Higher Self. Allow your guides and angels on this side to help you and allow those who love you on Earth to help you as well. It is not a weakness. It takes courage and strength to finally give yourself the love you so deserve, on Earth and in all of your worlds.
And now Ned I’m going to pull a card for you and it comes to you from the fairies. They are ever persistent in trying to get you outside and this is their main message. Go outside and enjoy the sun, rain, the moon, all of it! If you allow the sun to warm up your body, you will feel better and this will bring good thoughts to you. Find a place where there is water and sit and be quiet in these places. It will revive you and your senses.
The fairies are very much in touch with geographical changes. They sense that your energy is drawing you to a new location. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about moving to a new home, and this signifies that it’s time to consider that change. Write a list of features you desire in your new home, and ask the fairies to help you find and acquire your new residence.
This could also mean that your place of employment is changing. You could be on the cusp of finding a new job. Or, your current employer may transfer you to a new location or promote you to a different office. Regardless of the type of new location, trust that this is a change for the better that will bring great improvements into your life.
Affirmation: I now live and work in a safe, comfortable, spacious environment, in a wonderful location.
Love and Blessings, Ned,
If anyone would like to get a full reading from Dallas, check the website for further details:
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Quickening of Time
Everything has quickened. You are becoming aware of the paradigm of this world and how it works. It's not completed and never will be finished. That is why it's so important for you to be present and to always be aware of what's happening to you Now
. What are you feeling? Are you bringing on emotions that will hinder your journey?
When you are aware of your situation from an observer standpoint, you're able to move forward easier. You will notice that the quickening of time
is only felt when you are not living in the present. When you think of your yesterdays and then ponder your tomorrows you cannot believe how quickly time is passing by. You feel like you have to hurry up or you will miss something.
That is the thinking of an over-thinking mind. When you allow your mind to wander into the different times of your life, you have missed being in the present. It's that present presence that you feel like you have lost. As soon as you acknowledge that awareness and bring yourself back into the present moment
that time then moves to your beckoning. That's because the observer of who you are and the experiencer of who you are have united to give you a far different view/standpoint. That's how you affect positive change in your life too.
You go to different viewpoints all the time. Sometimes you revisit those you've looked at before and other times you seek new ways to see life, especially Your Life. When I was younger and reading Jane Roberts
books of her Seth channelings
I had a very different outlook than I do today. Although at that time I felt like I was 'getting it', I still needed time to pass so that I could view it from different angels as I grew in years physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Given that time, I now see Seth and Jane's work in a more expanded view. Some things that I missed 'back then', I'm able to grasp today and it's still that 'aha' moment that assures me I'm seeing from a new angle.
If you're having trouble seeing from your present angle, you can always get help from this world and other worlds
. What other worlds am I talking about? Mostly I'm referring to your spirit guides
and angels who help you walk this terrain we call Earth. Are you aware of your angels and spirit guides
? I ask you that question knowing full well you are aware of them, just not necessarily seeing them. You feel like you concoct some image of either in your mind, but it's just you and you're only imagining or guessing so it can't be true. But it can be and it is. Your mind can only imagine that which you know. If you don't know it, your mind can't comprehend it until it's introduced to you. It is viewpoints like this that will help you trust your own imagination
and then you can work with it.
Angel blessings to you and your present moment.
Leave a comment in the link provided below if it moves you. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. I appreciate each of you.
Love & Blessings
Dallas Franklin
When you are aware of your situation from an observer standpoint, you're able to move forward easier. You will notice that the quickening of time
That is the thinking of an over-thinking mind. When you allow your mind to wander into the different times of your life, you have missed being in the present. It's that present presence that you feel like you have lost. As soon as you acknowledge that awareness and bring yourself back into the present moment
You go to different viewpoints all the time. Sometimes you revisit those you've looked at before and other times you seek new ways to see life, especially Your Life. When I was younger and reading Jane Roberts
If you're having trouble seeing from your present angle, you can always get help from this world and other worlds
Angel blessings to you and your present moment.
Leave a comment in the link provided below if it moves you. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this. I appreciate each of you.
Love & Blessings
Dallas Franklin
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