Friday, April 22, 2011

Obstacles and Challenges

This card represents the obstacles, power struggles, and challenges that you must face in order to overcome them. This could be a difficult period to get through, but it's not impossible if you open your mind and see the bigger picture of how something went wrong. Don't get caught up in it, just pause and stand back for clarity - observe where adjustments are required or which decisions may need to be changed to enable you to move forward in a positive direction.

This card also comes around when there's competition around you. This is an excellent time to think creatively and ask yourself, 'How can I make myself shine above all the rest?'

This oracle card comes to you from The Psychic Tarot deck by John Holland.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Love Partner

Hello Dallas,
I'd be grateful if you could answer my question please . I'm 27, single and never been in a relationship even though I've wanted to find love for years . Now I'm a rather bitter, guarded and hurt person when it comes to love. Around me, people find it weird I'm single at my age and seem to judge me . This hurts me as it's not my fault if I seem to have no luck in love. I'd be grateful to have some guidance regarding this .
Love & Light,

Dear Sandy,

Often times what we think others are saying, thinking or feeling about us is just our own projected view from the feelings and words we tell ourselves. People are far too interested in their own lives to give others that much attention. You are just as worthy and deserving of love as every other human being around you. As long as you take it upon yourself to believe all these thoughts, you'll continue to feel hurt and disappointed about love.

You have to find it within your own heart to start pouring love onto yourself first. Love will find you when it's ready and although everyone would like it to happen NOW, love will actually seep into your life in the same strength and continuity as the love you feel and shower upon your own self. As long as you remain hurt and bitter, that is the energy you are offering the world. It is not that they are judging you, but rather that you are judging yourself first, offering that energy outwards, whether you're aware of it or not, and then you are receiving back similar energy because that's what you offered. Do you see and understand that now?

Love is available to you always. Whether you have one life partner, several or none is up to you and the choices you make in life. Do you follow your inner guidance and step out of your shell so that love can find you, or are you hiding away? Love cannot find you if you are hidden in some dark place. Allow the light to brighten and shine in your own loving heart and watch that darkness dissipate. It's totally up to you.

When you want something you have to want it with all of your heart, not all of your fears. As long as you hold the fears in front of you, that is what you will see. As you learn to love yourself, choose an affirmation everyday and say it to yourself. This can be out loud or silently. You are not doing this to get something else. It is not like that. You are doing this so that you can learn how to love yourself and keep a train of positive thoughts running through your mind, not those murky thoughts that are dragging you down.

Rise up to this challenge you have given yourself in this lifetime and journey forward with love in your heart. It is part of your own personal evolution at this point in time. Rise up and accept yourself. Rise up and join your heart to all the hearts of the world. In time, you will see all that love come back to meet you. Choose wisely, dear heart and always remember; you are greatly loved and we are beside you. Call upon us anytime and we will offer you guidance. It is the law. Angel love and blessings, dear one. You are loved, loving and lovable. Repeat this every day: 'I am loved, loving and lovable!'

I hope this is of help to you, Sandy. 

Love & Blessings,

If you have a question for the angels, email it to Dallas at: